Sunday 9 October 2016


As time has progressed, the world around us has undergone umpteen changes. Teaching pedagogy too, has evolved. In the days when we did our schooling and pursued higher education, the use of technology was minimal. The so called ‘chalk and talk’ method was followed for every discipline. Our friends and co-learners in the science stream of studies, in addition to this were exposed to the practical view of the theory via laboratory experiments. We were at best, given a glimpse of the application of the theoretical constructs with the help of examples and illustrations. However, the pedagogy never compromised on the quality of education and its rendition. The use of technology driven aids has now supplemented the ‘chalk and talk’ method and in many cases completely replaced it.
For a number of disciplines, the instructors are making use of MS PowerPoint presentations, smart boards, videos, simulations etc. It is believed that this assistance has certain advantages over the traditional pedagogy – both for the instructor and the learner. Upholding the belief of moving with changing times, the teaching pedagogy at JIMS, Rohini too involves the use of the aforementioned aids in addition to the traditional method. The PGDM program at JIMS, Rohini has a uniquely balanced course design and the concurrent well balanced teaching pedagogy enables the students to gain a wholesome understanding of the management discipline and the delivery mechanism exposes them to both the theoretical fundamentals and decisional realities.
Innovative improvements in the pedagogy are a result of the experiential learning of the faculty at JIMS, Rohini – this being a combination of self-learning and learning from that of the others. The prevalent teaching pedagogy revolves around an assortment of lecturing, conducting group discussions, assigning written and oral presentations, case study review and development, article analysis,  role plays, team plays, challenging activities, simulations, industrial visits, live projects and corporate internships.

Ms. Deepti Kakar
Associate Professor

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